Assist India – Building Ideal Communities

Micro Business Loans


An entrepreneurial young tailor in Manginapuddi

David (23) set up his tailoring unit when he was only 18 years old. With a Revolving Fund Loan of ASSIST, extended and managed by the Village Development Society of Manginapuddi (Markapur), David purchased a second-hand sewing machine. It wasn’t easy at first to get the loan. Initially the VDS was reluctant, not only because he was just a young boy, but an orphan as well who had also left school after finishing 10th class. The reason for this was that he had no money to continue his education. 

David had lost his mother when he was 5 years old and was neglected by his father after that. When David left school at the age of 16, he realised he had to take matters into his own hands if he wanted to have a decent life. He took training in tailoring shop in his village until he had mastered the required skills to be employed as a tailor. He worked at piece rate in several tailor shop but didn’t earn enough money to make ends meet. That’s when he decided to become an entrepreneur and start his own tailoring business. 

When the VDS finally accepted his loan application – some of the members knew David was a talented, hardworking boy that could be entrusted with the loan – it was just enough to buy a second-hand sewing machine. But this enabled him to start working independently and to build a customer base. He soon started earning money and building a good reputation and while paying his monthly installments, he also managed to save money and took a new loan to buy a second – this time new – sewing machine and open his tailoring shop on the main road right at the entrance of the village. David specializes in male clothing like shirts and trousers. Nowadays he has three sewing machines and an employee – a physically handicapped boy to whom he has given the chance to learn the tailoring skill and earn a livelihood.


 David’s wife works in his shop too. His business is very successful and people from six surrounding villages come to his shop to have their garments tailored. 

David remembers: “As a poor boy I used to ask people in my village to lend me some money, which they often refused. Now the same people come to me to ask me for a loan and I am happy that I can help them”.